Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day One

After one of the most hectic weeks of my life, I'm finally here in Korea, specifically in Seoul. Here's an awesome expat tip for you:

Expat Negro Tip
Everyone you've ever known will want to see you before you leave. Prioritize people and schedule your time or you'll end up with nothing accomplished.

I got to see almost everyone who's been important in my life (save one extremely busy doctor of psychology) and I manged to do it in about two weeks time. I also managed to get my visa paperwork turned in, get all of the stuff I didn't want gone (I sold my XBox360 for $30. You read that right kids) and the stuff I wanted packed. I learned some interesting stuff. What's that? Am I going to share it? Course I am.

One thing I definitely learned is when you're packing, be sure to pack like you'll have to carry it. I say that because the odds are that you will have to carry your luggage. And I'm talking long haul here. Getting into the city from Incheon isn't easy, and unless you want to drop $100 on a cab, I suggest you have luggage you can transport through either a subway, or at the very least from a bus to where you're staying. I have about 150 lbs of luggage, maybe more, and I pack horsed it through the airport, and into the hotel. Fortunately the hotel staff tried to help, but in the battle of 120 pound bellhop versus the seventy pound army surplus duffel bag, the duffel bag wins. Side note: have you ever seen a small guy attempt to manhandle a heavy duffel bag? No? You really should. It was the highlight of my night.

Even though the taxi drivers speak some English, there's a gap in communication, caused mainly by accents. Namely, my American accent is confusing. Which makes sense because it is.

Last thing, you can beat jet lag. I've managed it both trips to Seoul. The way I've done it isn't pleasant but it's doable.  Do not sleep on the plane ride over. Do anything else. Watch movies, listen to music, stand in line for the bathroom when you get sleepy, anything, but do not sleep on the ride over. When you touch down, it's probably not going to be bedtime. You'll have to stay up a bit until it is, and the only way you'll sleep at the time you should is by literally exhausting yourself, i.e. don't sleep on the plane. Then when it's time for sleep, you will and your body will wake up the next morning feeling like a champion. Or hungover. Either or.

I'm out.

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