Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Waiting...

It seems like this entire process (landing a job, securing a contract, getting a visa, moving overseas) has been brief activity punctuated with LONG periods of waiting. I'm a patient man (sorta) but every week the waiting gets harder. I had to wait to get paperwork notarized and apostilled. Then I had to wait for a contract (though that was really my fault) and now, I'm waiting for my visa code.

I should get notification through my email that my visa code has came through. Which means every time my phone even twitches slightly...wait...no, that's just a Gamestop email...where was I? Oh yeah, I'm tied to my phone. It's literally driving me crazy. I might break something. Seriously.

In other news, I may have been overzealous in packing so early. This morning I realized that all my gym shorts are somewhere within the confines of the giant army canvas bag which currently holds forty pounds of my clothing. Ten minutes later I realized how far and how deep I would have to dig to find anything. I'd need a team of archaeologists at this point.

Anyone else bored? I know I...wait...sigh...nope, not my visa code.

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